Scheduling cock and balls, but ‘SA20 has to happen’ says Conrad

“I don’t think Steve Waugh is going to care what I say, but I love how everybody outside of South Africa has become experts on South African cricket.” – Shukri Conrad

Telford Vice / Cape Town

SHUKRI Conrad isn’t short on sharp ideas. “We might have to practise a lot of our mankading skills …” His audience, reporters at Newlands on Thursday after the second Test between South Africa and India, were left hanging for a second or three before he took the edge off the moment with “… only joking.”

The levity faded fast as Conrad said: “It’s still South Africa who are going there. We don’t sing a different national anthem. We don’t wear a different blazer. We’re going to give our best shot. I hate the fact that South Africa go as underdogs because I don’t think we should ever be underdogs, but we do go as underdogs. Let’s not fool ourselves.” 

Conrad was referring to the strength of the squad he has selected for the men’s Test series in New Zealand next month. The rubber clashes with the SA20, which South Africa’s CSA-contracted players are compelled to make their top priority. Consequently the Test squad has been significantly impacted: half of the 14 are uncapped, including captain Neil Brand.

Of the squad in the series against India that ended on Thursday, only David Bedingham and Keegan Petersen will be in New Zealand. The 16 players who turned out in the two Tests against the Indians have more than seven times as many caps between them as those who will be in action in Mount Maunganui and Hamilton from February 4 to 17. Hence Conrad’s quip about employing unorthodox tactics like bowlers’ runout attempts at the non-striker’s end.

But no-one is laughing about the alarm far and wide over the damage T20 leagues are causing to the oldest format. A leading voice has been Steve Waugh’s, who asked on social media: “Is this a defining moment in the death of Test cricket.” In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, Waugh was quoted as saying “obviously they don’t care” with reference to what the ICC and the game’s more prominent national boards are doing to remedy the situation.

“I don’t think Steve Waugh is going to care what I say, but I love how everybody outside of South Africa has become experts on South African cricket,” Conrad said. “Our hand’s been forced. Yes, there was a cock-up … sorry, a balls-up … somebody got it wrong with the scheduling, and this is why we find ourselves in this position. But the SA20 has to happen. It is the lifeblood and it’s going to continue to be the lifeblood of South African cricket. If it doesn’t happen we won’t have Test cricket.

“It’s unfortunate that it is the way it is, but we all saw the value of the league last year. We’ve got to find a way to coexist with it and with leagues around the world, to ensure sustainability. Maybe there are powers higher up who also need to start taking new stances on where Test cricket sits for nations outside the big three.”

South Africa’s cricket industry is chronically unstable financially. In September, CSA declared losses of USD6.4-million. And that was held up as good news — a bigger deficit had been anticipated. The SA20 turned an unexpected profit in last year’s inaugural edition, USD1.9-million of which went to CSA.

That’s USD300,000 more than Australia earned for beating India in the WTC final at the Oval in June. The truth is cricket in South Africa needs money more than it needs WTC points. Burning 24 of them in New Zealand, should that happen, isn’t too high a price to pay for another SA20 windfall. No, that isn’t a joke.


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Earth to Steve Waugh, and other self-appointed guardians of Test cricket: stay in your lane

“We are just players and we can fight and promote as much as we can, but it’s up to the powers that be to make the right calls for us.” — Dean Elgar on the future of Test cricket.

Telford Vice / Cape Town

PAT Cummins’ CA contract is worth more than double what CSA pay Quinton de Kock, Kagiso Rabada, David Miller and Aiden Markram combined. Steve Waugh, sitting on a pile of 168 Test caps in the privilege of his developed world ivory tower, should think about that before he shoots his mouth off.

“Obviously they don’t care,” Waugh was quoted as saying by the Sydney Morning Herald on Monday in response to South Africa selecting seven uncapped players, including Neil Brand, as captain, in their squad of 14 to play two men’s Tests in New Zealand next month. The matches clash with the second edition of the SA20, which CSA’s contracted players are required to make their top priority — ahead, even, of international commitments.

A CSA statement on Tuesday sought to “reassure the fans that CSA has the utmost respect for the Test format as the pinnacle of the game we love”. It made the valid point that “the dates for this tour were set when the Future Tours Programme for 2023 to 2027 was finalised in 2022. The window for the SA20 had not been determined at that stage.”

What was done to try and avoid the problem? “We made every effort to find another mutually suitable time-slot … in consultation with NZC. Regrettably the constraints imposed by the global cricket calendar rendered this impossible, as the games must be played before April 2025 as part of the WTC.”

The SA20 is financially more important than most of the international cricket South Africa play because, besides tours by India and ICC disbursements, it is CSA’s only profitable project. The tournament is designed as South African cricket’s gift that keeps on giving annually. Without it, because of rampant mismanagement by previous administrators, the game could go out of business in this country. But, where Waugh sat, that didn’t seem to matter. 

“If I was New Zealand I wouldn’t even play the series,” he said. “I don’t know why they’re even playing. Why would you when it shows a lack of respect for New Zealand cricket?”

He warned that if “the ICC or someone doesn’t step in shortly then Test cricket doesn’t become Test cricket because you’re not testing yourself against the best players”. Waugh conceded that players are “not getting paid properly”, and he offered a remedy in the form of a “regulation set fee for Test matches” to be footed by the “ICC or the top countries who are making a lot of money”. It’s a useful idea, but it wouldn’t solve the central problem of uneven contracting between countries: the rich would still be richer, the poor poorer.  

Whether Waugh counted Australia among those “top countries who are making a lot of money”, and who should thus help out, wasn’t made clear. But there can be no doubt he was referring to India — whose board, the BCCI, will keep 38.5% of the ICC’s earnings from 2024 to 2027. No other ICC member’s percentage is in double figures. But India earn more than 80% of that money. Considering their status as financial giants of the world game, did India have a greater duty to ensure the future of Test cricket than other countries?

Asked exactly that question at a press conference at Newlands on Monday, the day before the start of the second Test, Rohit Sharma said India did indeed have that responsibility. Then he backtracked to a neutral position. “I think so; absolutely,” Sharma said. “Test cricket is something that we all have to protect and give importance to. It’s just not one or two countries’ responsibility. It’s all the nations who are playing. It’s their responsibility to make sure that we keep it entertaining. Around the world a lot of solid Test cricket is being played, which is good. It’s everyone’s duty to make sure that it stays nice and healthy and it stays competitive. It’s everyone’s responsibility.”

What did he make of CSA’s actions? “For me Test cricket is the ultimate challenge and you would want to see the best players playing in that format,” Sharma said. “Everyone has their own problems to deal with. I am pretty sure there is a reason behind it. I don’t know what the reason is, but definitely Test cricket is something we want to see — the best cricket being played and having your top players available.

“I don’t know what the internal talks and discussions are in CSA. From my perspective, I think it’s important that there is priority and thought given to Test cricket because it’s the ultimate challenge that you face in this sport. And you want to be challenged every day. Luckily we don’t have those kinds of problems to deal with at this point in time.”

Note Sharma’s absence of sanctimoniousness, which Waugh wasn’t short of: “History and tradition must count for something. If we stand by and allow profits to be the defining criteria the legacy of Bradman, Grace and Sobers will be irrelevant.” Michael Clarke, too, leapt onto a high horse to declare that “no domestic competition should come in front of” Test cricket, without any apparent understanding of the reality of the situation. 

Happily, not all Australians have appointed themselves grandiose guardians of the global game. “If I was a player from another nation and getting paid OK to play international cricket, [and] I’m getting paid a truckload more to play T20 cricket, I’m sorry but I’m going to be playing the T20 cricket,” Usman Khawaja told Fox Cricket. “I love playing for my country, but it is also a case of looking after your family, doing things right. If two people get paid to do the same job and you’re getting paid twice as much at one firm and half at the other firm, you’re going to pick the one you’re getting paid [more] for.”

In other words, if Bradman, Grace and Sobers, and indeed Waugh and Clarke, had been made better offers, what would they have done? Dean Elgar doesn’t have to wonder about that. He was South Africa’s captain in March 2022, when CSA told their players to choose between the IPL and a Test series against Bangladesh.

“It’s a tough one leaving that up to the players, but this is how we’ll see where their loyalty lies,” Elgar said at the time. “They mustn’t forget that Test and one-day cricket got them into the IPL, not the other way around. You don’t want players to miss out on a big occasion like the IPL, by no means. But I’d still like to think playing for your country is bigger than that.” Despite that, Rassie van der Dussen, Aiden Markram, Kagiso Rabada, Lungi Ngidi, Marco Jansen and Anrich Nortjé all went to the IPL.

How did Elgar feel now, on the cusp of his last Test? “Speaking to the guys in the changeroom, especially the younger guys, they still very much live for this format,” he said on Tuesday. “Maybe the team they’ve selected to go to New Zealand isn’t ideal for … how I view Test cricket. But there’s still a lot of hunger among the guys who are going to be playing. What’s happened is out of our control; it’s out of the players hands, it’s out of our coaches hands, and our team management’s hands.

“It’s a little bit sad that it has gone into that direction. We just need to focus on what we can focus on. What’s happening behind the scenes is not for players and coaches to fight and kick up a storm about. It is what it is and we just have to move on.”

Was he happy to be bowing out before he had to make that kind of compromise more often? “The future is up to administrators making right decisions for players and the longevity of format, especially our Test format,” Elgar said. “Us as players just need to go out and win and show the hunger for this format. As long as I am around, I am going to be a Test fanatic. A lot of our guys are, too.

“Opportunities need to come our way. Otherwise the conversations are going to be continuous and you are never going to put it to bed. We are just players and we can fight and promote as much as we can, but it’s up to the powers that be to make the right calls for us. I would like to see younger guys coming through and experience what I have experienced over 12 years. Hopefully there’s sanity around the decisions going forward.”

Like Waugh, Elgar is an old-fashioned cricketer. Unlike Waugh, who played his last game of cricket more than a year before the first T20I and almost four years before the IPL explosion, Elgar is part of the modern game. Waugh is out of touch, and has veered out of his lane. The slow lane. As a bona fide great, he will be tolerated and forgiven. This time.


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Not before time, Morné Morkel is pissed off

Morkel couldn’t be nasty if he tried. He’s a damn near two-metre tall Christmas card, a long stretch of nice guy, a pacifist amid the pirates.

TMG Digital

TELFORD VICE at Kingsmead

MORNÉ Morkel was a storm in a port in the moments after he bowled the third delivery of the first test at Kingsmead on Thursday.

The ball hit Cameron Bancroft high on the pads. Too high, surely.

Not for Morkel. He appealed at — not to — umpire Kumar Dharmasena who stood stoic and unmoved. He appealed again.

Both times Morkel unfurled his albatross wings to their fullest extent, serrated fingers fluttering for added emphasis. Both times his feet seemed planted as wide apart as the outer edges of the N3 that leads from Durban to Pietermaritzburg. Both times his throat bulged and his eyes burned with undiluted gees.

What was Faf du Plessis to do but send the decision upstairs, where it was revealed that the ball had indeed hit Bancroft too high for him to be given out leg-before.

Another question should have been sent upstairs: was Morne Morkel pissed off?

If he was it had only taken him 12 years, 83 tests and three balls to get there.

That’s not surprising for a bowler who would have spent many of those 83 tests wondering if it would be his last.

Morkel has taken or shared the new ball only one more time than he has bowled first change. He’s no-one’s idea of a third seamer, even at test level. Except when the first two seamers are Makhaya Ntini and Dale Steyn. Or Steyn and Vernon Philander. Or Philander and Kagiso Rabada.

Worries about job security are only natural when you bowl behind and between that lot. But on Monday Morkel handed in his notice when he announced that he would retire after the series against Australia. He will soon be out of there on his own terms.

“That’s good news for a lot of batsmen around the world,” Steve Waugh said. Yes, Steve Waugh, who never faced Morkel and didn’t need to to understand how dangerous he is.

Being 1.96 metres tall will help do that for you. So will being able to crank it up to, and above and beyond, 140 kilometres and hour more often than not.

That makes you nasty to face, as many batsmen have attested, even those who face him in the nets. But it doesn’t make you nasty.

Morkel couldn’t be nasty if he tried. He’s a damn near two-metre tall Christmas card, a long stretch of nice guy, a pacifist amid the pirates.

All that was true about that in the moments after he bowled the third delivery of the first test at Kingsmead on Thursday was that he was still 1.96 metres tall.

He crossed Dharmasena off his Christmas card list as he stood there bellowing his belligerence. He was nothing like nice.

After 12 tests, 83 tests and three balls, Morkel no longer needed to behave as if he should be grateful for the opportunity to breathe the same air as Ntini, Steyn, Philander and Rabada.

He was Morne Morkel, in some ways better than them, in others not quite, and he was free at last to be as pissed off as he liked and bugger who noticed.

At who or what? Who can say, but that didn’t matter.

He’d earned it.