All the presidents’ people

A roll call of the more or less reprehensible in South African cricket, recording their names and the context of their involvement.


DESPITE mounting pressure from every stakeholder in South African cricket, along with the threat of either state control or international suspension — or both — two votes went against appointing the interim board at CSA’s members council meeting on Monday.

The council is the game’s highest authority in the country, and thus central to the shambles cricket has been steered into during the last three years. So it was surprising that it initially rejected, in a letter to sports minister Nathi Mthethwa last Wednesday, the get-out-of-jail card represented by Mthethwa’s proposed interim board. Only following four meetings after that was the light seen, and even then not unanimously. That does not bode well for the hope that the board and the council find ways to work together, which both have expressed. 

Council members received a summary of Monday’s vote, not a breakdown. Cricbuzz has been told who the dissenters might be, and has asked them to confirm. Neither has responded. Even so, we know who sits on the members council, and how long they have been there — crucial facts in the effort to root out the rot. 

The structure normally comprises representatives of CSA’s 12 provincial affiliates, its two associates, and CSA’s president and vice-president. Of the current members, five were part of the council on September 28, 2017: Rudy Claassen, Craig Nel, Donovan May, Rihan Richards and Angelo Carolissen. A sixth who was around then, Oupa Nkagisang, hasn’t been part of council business since December 2018, when CSA took control of the affiliate he leads on claims of maladministration.

The 2017 date is important because it was when Thabang Moroe made the unlikely leap from serving as Gauteng’s president and CSA’s vice-president to CSA’s acting chief executive, a vacancy created by Haroon Lorgat’s engineered ousting. Also crucial is that it was the board, not the council, that installed Moroe despite the fact that — CSA told parliament in October — he was not qualified for the position.

The board responsible for appointing Moroe comprised Chris Nenzani, Beresford Williams, Richards, Zola Thamae, Tando Ganda, Faeez Jaffar, Norman Arendse, Mohammed Iqbal Khan, Dawn Mokhobo, Vusi Pikoli and Louis von Zeuner, although Arendse missed key meetings because of ill health. Along with Moroe, Nenzani, Williams, Thamae, Ganda and Richards also sat on the council at that stage. Richards is the only survivor who was part of both of those bodies. He is now the acting president of the council.

When Lorgat left CSA, it had a bank balance of the equivalent of USD73.7-million and did not want for sponsors. Moroe was appointed to the job proper by the board on July 17, 2018. When he was suspended on charges of serious misconduct in December, having given himself sweeping powers, it was projected that CSA would be USD68.4-million in debt by the end of the 2022 rights cycle. Sponsors had either announced their impending departure or were scaling back their commitment.

Tebogo Siko, Anne Vilas, Ben Dladla, Xolani Vonya, Xander Snyders, Ashraf Burns, Dawid Roodt and Simphiwe Ndzundzu became part of the council after Moroe was appointed in a permanent capacity, and thus cannot be blamed for abiding by the board’s decision. Vilas, Burns and Roodt came onto the council between May and August this year — after Moroe was suspended — so are unsullied by this saga.

The same cannot be said for Claassen, Nel, May, Richards, Siko and Carolissen. May and Siko joined the board last year, in February and September, and Carolissen in September 2018, so they are even more culpable. They didn’t help appoint Moroe, but they also didn’t stop him damaging the game.

After months of unheeded calls for the board to go, Nenzani resigned as CSA’s president on August 17. He was followed by the remaining members on October 25 and 26: Williams, Carolissen, May, Siko, Thamae, John Mogodi, Dheven Dharmalingham, Marius Schoeman, Eugenia Kula-Ameyaw and Vuyokazi Memani-Sedile. But Carolissen, May and Siko are still with us as affiliate presidents and thus council members.

The point of this roll call of the more or less reprehensible is to record the names of those involved in South African cricket’s ongoing ugliness and to sketch the context of their involvement. It isn’t intended to make for sparkling reading. 

The names of 31 administrators are recorded above. That only three of them — Vilas, Burns and Roodt — can be given a clean audit is an indictment on the state of the game in this country. And even that is conditional: we don’t know whether any or two of them voted against the sanity of allowing the interim board to be appointed.

As for the other, blemished 28, we know what you did last summer. And the summer before that. And the one before that. And before that. And in the winters, too …  

First published by Cricbuzz.  

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Three up for CSA post in ‘messy campaign’

TMG Digital


WEEKS of lobbying could leave blood on the floor at Cricket South Africa’s (CSA) annual meeting in Johannesburg on Saturday.

Some of the jockeying has been racially driven and some informed by past struggles for position and power.

The major prize up for grabs is vice-president, the post vacated by Thabang Moroe when he became chief executive in the wake of Haroon Lorgat’s departure in September.

Oupa Nkagisang, Tando Ganda and Beresford Williams, the presidents of North West, Border and Western Province, have thrown their hats into the ring.

Times Media Digital understands that all three have, either directly or through proxies, canvassed support.

“It’s been a messy campaign with everybody selling on fear,” one source said.

Some have expressed concern that CSA could install their first completely black African board at the meeting, replete with theories that a group of black administrators communicate and caucus through their own WhatsApp group.

Others have warned of a Cape cabal taking root, and still others have leaned on the Eastern Cape’s history of producing strong leaders.

But there are schisms within the schisms, what with Moroe and Nkagisang unlikely to be allies because Nkagisang was also in the running to be CSA’s chief executive.

As an insider said, “Thabang is not going to appreciate Oupa coming in because he lost out to him for the job.

“You’ve got to spare a thought for Thabang; suddenly your boss is someone who didn’t get the position you got.”

Even so, Nkagisang is respected as an able, experienced administrator who holds a doctorate in industrial sociology and is a senior manager with AngloGold Ashanti, and who could make a decent argument for being the most qualified among the three to be CSA’s vice-president.

Ganda is a senior education specialist with the Eastern Cape education department, and it would be remiss of any chronicling of his career not to mention that he made his start in the game at the wonderfully named Homemade Cricket Club in Alice.

Williams, who unlike some at his level of cricket administration remains accessible, is a revenue manager in the City of Cape Town’s finance department.

Chris Nenzani’s term as president has another year to run, and while his approval rating would be higher than average there is a feeling among the suits that he should be held accountable for CSA’s failure to launch their much hyped T20 tournament as planned last year.

News on whether the competition will be played this year is also expected at the weekend, which will be closely watched for signs that CSA are able to pull out of the downward spiral that has seen them lose two sponsors in recent weeks.

If they don’t satisfy their detractors that they are again on the up prophesies of the ongoing Zumafication of cricket in South Africa will only grow louder.

Game capture: you read it here first.