Going, going, Gwaza …

The Fundudzi forensic report mentions Welsh Gwaza 254 times in its 457 pages.


WELSH Gwaza, the Machiavellian figure thought to be behind much of what has gone awry at CSA, has been suspended. The company secretary has been ordered to appear at a disciplinary hearing on December 14, where he could face dismissal.

Gwaza’s suspension on full pay “regarding various allegations of misconduct against him” by CSA’s interim board was confirmed in a release on Tuesday. The charges against him were not specified, but action was taken because of the board’s “investigation emanating from the Fundudzi report into allegations of poor corporate governance and maladministration within CSA”.

The forensic report resulting from the Fundudzi probe mentions Gwaza 254 times in its 457 pages. No-one except Thabang Moroe, who features 681 times, and Naasei Appiah, who is named 296 times, appears more frequently. Moroe and Appiah have been fired as CSA’s chief executive and chief operating officer.

Gwaza sat on every significant CSA committee. He was a Moroe ally, and sources have told Cricbuzz he fought against the mass resignation of the elected board last month and against CSA’s members council agreeing to appoint the interim board. He lost both of those battles. Now it seems he is danger of losing his job.

The members council said on November 17 it would recognise the interim board, which was comprised with the help of the sports ministry. With that went Gwaza’s grip on CSA.

Chantel Moon, CSA’s human resources consultant, has also been removed. Along with finding fault with Moon’s company’s appointment by Moroe, the release said the “Fundudzi report has also revealed that Ms Moon lacks CSA’s minimum qualification”. The investigation found the same to be true of Moroe. A public relations firm CSA engaged has also been shown the door by the interim board.

The release said the board had made its decisions “after serious consideration and debate during which differences of opinion were aired”. Doubtless there will be more of the same. No-one can say it is not taking seriously its mandate of “restoring confidence in CSA and its structures”. More heads could roll in the coming days, Cricbuzz has learnt.

First published by Cricbuzz.

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Author: Telford Vice

I have been writing, gainfully, since 1991. No-one has yet paid me enough to stop. @TelfordVice

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